I Think Wendy William's Has made a dramatic change in her style,Her
face,But I think her personality.I don't know I feel On The Wendy
William's Show she doesn't Shut down the celeberties like she used
to.She just keeps defending them.So unlike Wendy.She tells it like it
is.I think she speaks highly of them just so they could come on her
show.Also I think Wendy William's breast is tooo big her breast makes
her look fat for some reason.But her show is good.I like Ask wendy,But I hate her guest.But as of the way she presents herself wayyyy better.Her lace wigs are on point now,Her style is together now.I think she needs a breast reduction it'll make her look way slimmer.
Wendy's Messy days
Wendy William's Now *Big Improvement*You could also watch her show and see